Guy gets into U.S. with his iPad

image courtesy of techxav.
People do some pretty crazy stuff with their iPads. But you won’t believe this. So a Canadian guy was going to the U.S. He realized he forgot his passport, but guess what came to the rescue, his iPad! How can this be? Well, he had a copy of his passport on his iPad. At first the guy who scans he passports was reluctant, but he took the iPad and scanned it. It worked.
Source: USA Today

Sony, EA, and Nintendo Stop Supporting SOPA :]

More companies are not supporting SOPA anymore! Particularly EA, Sony, and Nintendo. Do you remember how GoDaddy stopped supporting SOPA too? How everyone stopped using them for their domains. Now these three big video gaming companies have stopped too. I’m not certain of the exact reason, if it was similar to GoDaddy or not. But all I know is that they stopped supporting it. Which is good.
Source: Business Insider

GoDaddy Stops Supporting SOPA :]

Have you heard of SOPA? Most likely you have. A new company has started backing up SOPA. GoDaddy has started doing this. In case you didn’t know, they are a domain company. Once the word was out, there were problems. People have started boycotting. Cancelling their accounts and such. After days of boycotting, GoDaddy stopped supporting SOPA. Hopefully this will continue. MERRY CHRISTMAS! :]
Source: Ars Technica

Lady Gaga’s Twitter Hacked

We all know Lady Gaga. We hear her dance music on the radio, and see her outrageous outfits. Recently, a bad happening happened. Remember when her YouTube account got hacked? And one of her websites? Well this time it’s her Twitter. It was hacked. The tweet the hacker tweeted said that she would buy all of her fans iPad 2’s if you clicked on this one link. This link probably lead you to a link that was a scam. The tweet looks like this.

image courtesy of Twitter
Source: Popcrush