World Records

  • The smallest unit of time is known as

   Planck’s time, 10**-43 seconds. It is the amount of time it takes the fastest thing,      light, travelling at 3×10**8 metres per second, to cross the smallest distance, the Planck length, 10**-35 m. 

  • Fastest speed driving in reverse

Darren Manning (UK) reached a speed of 165.08 km/h (102.58 mph) going backwards in a Caterham 7 Fireblade  at Kemble Airfield, Gloucester, UK, on 22 October 2001. 

  • Fastest tank A production standard S 2000 Scorpion Peacekeeper

tank (complete with appliqué hull armour, ballistic skirts, K10000 replaceable rubber pad track and powered by an RS 2133 high-speed diesel engine) developed by Repaircraft PLC (UK), achieved a speed of 82.23 kph (51.10 mph) at the QinetiQ vehicle test track, Chertsey, UK, on 26 March 2002.

  • Fastest kilometer ran  


Thomas Dold (Germany) ran 1,000 metres backwards in a

time of 3 min 36.07 sec at Messkirch, Germany on 13 July 2003.

  • Fastest coal shoveling by a


The record for filling a 508 kg (0.5 ton) hopper with coal using a banjo shovel by a team of two is 14.8 seconds, by Brian Coghlan and Piet Groot (both New Zealand) at the opening of the Brunner Bridge, South Island, New Zealand, on 27 March 2004.

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